Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Alice in Wonderland&such

Hello there blogosphere people! I recently ventured outside of my den for a night out with my friends to see the Tim Burton film, Alice In Wonderland! I have to say, I was a little dissapointed. I thought it was going to be full on creepy becuase that's usually what you get with Tim Burton, but since this was a Disney related film, it was a minor debacle. In fashion news, I am totally in love with Doc Martens right now! Nobody gives you credit for how hard it is to dress fashionably in a small town, where the status quo is jeans and sneakers. Although it would be easier just to fit in and blend, that's one thing that I will not blend into is fashion, mediocre grades? Yes. Mediocre fashion? Please god no! School is more of a vent than a learning tool for most people. Well, I have to go! My fingers are très sore from writing on this small iPod keyboard!

Alice in Wonderland &such