Yes, blowing my heart up would be tres easier than studying for these ridiculous regents that I have coming up. ARGH I hate tests and I just want it to be summer already!! Are you guys tired of anything? Are you ready for it to be SUMMER already? Hit me up in the comments section!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hi, so I kind of have been keeping something a secret. My name isn't really rachel dislea, I just liked that name for writing purposes. I still don't want to use my real name, becuase it's boring and bla, but Im going to be writing under the name Niko Zim from now on. It's closer to my actual name, aNd I love the liberties I get with being a writer, that I can change my pen name whenever I like. Okay, I promise to post tomorrow with a post chock full of stuff. I have also decided that since my website is still rdgossip, RD will now stand for ridiculous dominace :)
Until tomorrow
Until tomorrow
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Good news. No. GREAT NEWS!
Hello cyberspace! I have to admit that the title of this post is a little misleading. Good news #1, I went into the city today, and completely fell head over heels in love with the east village, again. I want to live there so badly. Ugh, look at me, I seem like another weepy teenager. Oh well, in othe news, I reallyreally want to go to FIT, I think ? I love the location of the school, but what will I go there for is the question? I like design, but I love to write, but I hear that the fashion journalism at FIT is nonexistent. :( oh peep sandwich. If any of you attend FIT or Aspire to go there, we should keep in touch. Oh! And my good news #2 is... My blog is going to have pictures! Mostly of my rendevous with life and such. Love you all ;)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
People suck sometimes.
Today's topic will be ( drumroll please!) people who act like your innocent best friend, and then (cue cliche) stab you in the back. I also depise when you really dislike somebody and know that they just radiate evil, and your friends hang all over them like they are the second coming of Jesus. Yes this is a recent experience for me. Let's call her "Satan" so, I have never liked Satan, and i think if she is so fake, her smile is bound to slide right off of her silicon plastic face of death. (warning: major hyperbole use!) so Satan had a boyfriend we will call lucifer, and he happens to be different religion than her. SHe changed her religion to match his. She actually got baptized into his religion. WELL GUESS WHAT?! They broke up. And now that bitch gets what she deserves. Oh! And I don't think I mentioned before that she joined this religion just to spend time with him. How rediculous! I'm not actually relgious at all, I just thought that the idea of her changing her belief system was a tad more than faintly rediculous. In other news, I went to a party today! It was alot of fun. I danced like nobody buisness! I would say that I love to dance, but it used to be that I was "that girl" who brought a book to a party to ignore social interaction. But no more! Kind of :)
I hope you are all having fantastic weekends!!
I hope you are all having fantastic weekends!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
That's so fit.
So, whilst I was watching my usual round of comical YouTube videos, I came across a Brit saying the terms "that's so fit" I immediately fell in love with the phrase and have been using it for days, just ask my laughably annoyed friends! Nothing is going on in the world of fashion for me, considering a.) I live in nowheresville and b.) I've slept so much this weekend like nobody business. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and have Lovely Monday morning :)
What did you draw today?!
What did you draw today?!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring break?
It's the time of year again where we get a week off from school to frolic in the sun. Not! This week is supposed to be cold and rainy. But cèst la vie, Im just going to be watching my brothers anyway. I need something fun to do. Oh well, I just bought vogue, so that should keep my occupied fr awhile. Talk to you lovelies later...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Alice in Wonderland&such
Hello there blogosphere people! I recently ventured outside of my den for a night out with my friends to see the Tim Burton film, Alice In Wonderland! I have to say, I was a little dissapointed. I thought it was going to be full on creepy becuase that's usually what you get with Tim Burton, but since this was a Disney related film, it was a minor debacle. In fashion news, I am totally in love with Doc Martens right now! Nobody gives you credit for how hard it is to dress fashionably in a small town, where the status quo is jeans and sneakers. Although it would be easier just to fit in and blend, that's one thing that I will not blend into is fashion, mediocre grades? Yes. Mediocre fashion? Please god no! School is more of a vent than a learning tool for most people. Well, I have to go! My fingers are très sore from writing on this small iPod keyboard!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Interview with a vampire
Hahaha catchy title right? Okay, let's get down to business. I may not have an interview with a vampire, but I have one with a heartbreakingly stylish friend of mine, Lupe Siene. Lupe attends a school for design, and wants to give free Advice to all you fashionistas out there.
1.) How should I start getting involved with the fashion industry?
Well... You have to make sure that this is what you want to do, otherwise you will not succeed. Once you have figured out that this is what you want to do, take the basic steps, maybe sign up for an art class. Oh! And definitely, definitely learn how to sew!
2.) how should I start looking for design schools?
I seriously suggest talking to a guidance counselor at your school, becuase they can get you into classes that will help you in the future. Also, your guidance counselor can talk with you about different schools that can be accessable for you.
Lupe had this message for all of you...
If at first you are overwhelmed, don't give up! Everybody goes through that at the beginning! Keep going at it until you get where you want to be!
Please write me any questions you may have for Lupe in the comments section. We will be doing an interview very soon!
1.) How should I start getting involved with the fashion industry?
Well... You have to make sure that this is what you want to do, otherwise you will not succeed. Once you have figured out that this is what you want to do, take the basic steps, maybe sign up for an art class. Oh! And definitely, definitely learn how to sew!
2.) how should I start looking for design schools?
I seriously suggest talking to a guidance counselor at your school, becuase they can get you into classes that will help you in the future. Also, your guidance counselor can talk with you about different schools that can be accessable for you.
Lupe had this message for all of you...
If at first you are overwhelmed, don't give up! Everybody goes through that at the beginning! Keep going at it until you get where you want to be!
Please write me any questions you may have for Lupe in the comments section. We will be doing an interview very soon!
just kidding.,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Kell. On earth
Okay, I need to blog about this. I am watching Kell On Earth right now, an I think that her assistants are half retarded. Everybody thinks that Kell is such a big bitch, but her incompetent assistants make it hard to be pleasant. Call me crazy, I'm probably the only Kell fan, but whatever. Okay, the item of the day is, it's not really an item, but the items on the site are amazing. Okay, going back to watch my show!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
You go Glenn Coco!
Hahaha, excuse my meangirls reference. So, i've been off from school for the past two days, and it doesn't look like I will be going in tomorrow, due to snow! But, unfortunately the roads are so bad, we can't drive to the mountain to go snowboarding. Boo. So, as promised, here is my item of the day. Arnold Palmer Iced tea lemonade, it's surprisingly refreshing and possibly the best drink on the planet. Now seriously, the item of the day is........... Hi~top ballet flats! I have a pair from forever21, which only set me back about 12 dollars. You won't regret these trendy shoes! Okay, I'm off to shashashashovel.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Item of the day!
So. I've decided to include an item of the day onto this blog. I will choose one item that I think is really cool every day, post it here, and give you information on it, like where it's from, and how much it costs. Since it is almost midnight here, I will start posting tomorrow.
Monday, February 22, 2010
My lovely day at escuela.
Well hello there. I had school today. Of course. And I took a Spanish test, I did fabulous. Well, I actually got a freaking 4percent on it. I'm so terrible at Spanish, why is it neccessary to pass it. Wahh cry me a river. But on the brighter side, I can retake it and probably fail again. And today I feel the need to let you know an obsession if mine, HARRYPOTTER! Well not actually the character Harry potter, just the series. I'm slytherin all the way! Woohoo Draco malfoy! Sorry that post didn't have anything to do with fashion, but I'm bored and I've been thinking about harry potter all day long. (probably why I failed my test!) haha
Love RachelD
Love RachelD
Monday, February 15, 2010
RIP Alexander McQueen
Okay... I was reading the New York times yesterday when I was awed by Alexander Mcqueen's devastatingly beautiful designs. The rawness of his designs had made him my muse, well not muse, but somebody to respect and watch. I was devastated to hear that Thursday... The day of his mothers funeral... McQueen hung himself. I was upset... I have known about him for a long time, but just when I was starting to understand him... This terrible thing happened. The world will really miss his unmistakably raw fashions.
Friday, February 12, 2010
My Floridian week
Hullo. So I've been in Florida this week! I've been having a fantastic time, becuase there is no snow!! But there is one thing that I hate around here. The innumerable amount of Ed Hardy things here. My friend Luna and I are having a hard time going to the store without seeing those disgusting trucker hats. Sorry, I know they are in style but they make you look like white trash :) I know, seems harsh but that's my opinion
Love RachelD. Even if you like EdHardy
Love RachelD. Even if you like EdHardy
Monday, February 8, 2010
My top YouTube picks
So, for those of you who avidly follow YouTube. This is the article for you... I am a YouTube addict and I want to tell you the best and funniest people on YouTube.
Rachel's YouTube superstar list ;)
5.) this spot goes to nigahiga, with their homegrown non special effects videos that have me lmao every video... Definitely check them out!
4.) Dudeneedaeaseonup, make sure you spell that one right, his videos are so funny and he is heartbreakingly cute :)
3.) This is a really tough spot to choose, but I've chosen Danisnotonfire... I would have made him #1 based on how hot he is, but that wouldn't be fair, would it? It's hard to resist a British? Accent, plus his hilarity.
2.) Amazingphil, this quirky English boy just so happens to be real life friends with danisnotonfire! Phil is a moviemaking genius, I think, and it peeks through his normally comedic videos sometimes. Defintely love him!
1.) number one has to go to AndrewBravener... He is hilarious in a dry dane cook kind if way, but definitely not the same. He's number one for a reason, so check this canadian out! ( did I mention he's fabulously beautiful?)
Rachel's YouTube superstar list ;)
5.) this spot goes to nigahiga, with their homegrown non special effects videos that have me lmao every video... Definitely check them out!
4.) Dudeneedaeaseonup, make sure you spell that one right, his videos are so funny and he is heartbreakingly cute :)
3.) This is a really tough spot to choose, but I've chosen Danisnotonfire... I would have made him #1 based on how hot he is, but that wouldn't be fair, would it? It's hard to resist a British? Accent, plus his hilarity.
2.) Amazingphil, this quirky English boy just so happens to be real life friends with danisnotonfire! Phil is a moviemaking genius, I think, and it peeks through his normally comedic videos sometimes. Defintely love him!
1.) number one has to go to AndrewBravener... He is hilarious in a dry dane cook kind if way, but definitely not the same. He's number one for a reason, so check this canadian out! ( did I mention he's fabulously beautiful?)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Okay, so I'm not going to lie to you. I failed my giant test. Yay me. Oh well there's always retakes. For my failure, I would like to thank the show Bones, for being on everyday, and for my obsession with agent Booth ;) I would also like to thank my friends, for inviting me to hang out every single say I was supposed to study... Thanks guys! That's pretty much it... I have phys Ed. Tomorrow which is a major bummer, but, cèst la víe, right? Okay talk to you all soon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sad and whatever
Okay, so today really sucked, not going to lie... Except there was an excellent part where I found out that I'm going to London for my birthday! But that was the only good part... Wait. I got new shoes. Okay, so i'll change my day from sucking, to exceptionally bad. First! School started back up and I had to completely change my classes, which is always dandy. Next! My dog ran away, and while running after him a vulture started flying at me, what the hell, there's not even supposed to be vultures in new York! Lastly! I think? My mom and I got in a giant fight, which is normal, becuase I really am a bitch, but she told me that I act as if I had no feelings and that I hated my family. FML, what was I supposed to say? I'm an independent person who doesn't really rely on others, that doesn't mean that I hate them! And I think she was being the teeniest bit melodramatic. Sorry about that rant, but now you get a glimpse into my life, yay, you must be so thrilled! Hope for snow!!
RachelD. If you are on facebook check out the group "where in the world is Franscois?" I found it pretty nifty .
RachelD. If you are on facebook check out the group "where in the world is Franscois?" I found it pretty nifty .
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I've had an idea!!
Okay.... So I was thinking, why not get together a few bloggers and make a collaborative blog... What I mean is, somebody can pick a topic each week and we all have to blog about it, our thoughts and things. What do you think? Comment me so we can work something out :)
Still studying-ish
Hello there blogosphere! I'm writing this from my iPod touch so don't be surprised if there are Alot of gramatical mistakes! Still studying for my chem exam tomorrow :( kind of- ish? Anyway... In my art class I made a clay chinchilla, and was thinking of naming him Franz, but if u have any other ideas... Let me know. One more thing for today, that I forgot to write in yesterdays post... If u wish to be trendy on a tight budget, try forever21... It's my absolute favorite store for trendy stuff. In the post I want to thank my mom for dragging me into saks fifth avenue and barneys as a child becuase this definitely sprouted my love for fashion :) but I guess it kind of backfired on her becuase now I want to work in the fashion industry and she wants me to be a doctor ... Tough luck mommie dearest, say au revoir to those hopes :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Spring must-list!
Okay... So I'm Actually supposed to be studying for my regents right now :( ( if you don't live in new york, a regent is a test that determines whether you pass or fail your class. It's pretty important, but really boring, so I took a break to list these things for you..
Rachel's Must list of Spring 2010
1.) structured sandals- stray from boring rubber flip flops this season! Try for a structured sandal that will liven up any outfit, guaranteed!
2.) CHI Keratin Mist- A spray that will keep your hair looking awesome, even through humidity and rain! Now that's what I call awesome.
3.) For a classier look, try getting style advice from vogue/teen vogue instead of j-14.
4.) Get over your Ed Hardy obsession- I'm sorry if you made the mistake to buy an Ed Hardy tee shirt, they are tacky . (come on, rhinestones??!)
5.) La Roux- my favorite new electro-pop band... Sure to be blaring from fashion week speakers!
Comment me!
Rachel's Must list of Spring 2010
1.) structured sandals- stray from boring rubber flip flops this season! Try for a structured sandal that will liven up any outfit, guaranteed!
2.) CHI Keratin Mist- A spray that will keep your hair looking awesome, even through humidity and rain! Now that's what I call awesome.
3.) For a classier look, try getting style advice from vogue/teen vogue instead of j-14.
4.) Get over your Ed Hardy obsession- I'm sorry if you made the mistake to buy an Ed Hardy tee shirt, they are tacky . (come on, rhinestones??!)
5.) La Roux- my favorite new electro-pop band... Sure to be blaring from fashion week speakers!
Comment me!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Okay, so is it really any wonder that, since I'm a fashion addict... I don't feel like I would fit in at any other job. My entire life has always been about clothing and Vogue magazine, and now the world just expects me to finish my highschool years and get thrown into some adult like borish classes that totally aren't me! I don't want to be a lawyer or a doctor! I want to design, I want to create and draw things for other people. Money isn't what gets me going, happiness is! Any kind of design makes me happy, any kind of creativity makes me feel free... But try telling that to your Dr. Dad, with a degree in physical therapy... Where everythings about school and money. I need some serious help:/
I'll sort out my life :). Creativity Always,
I'll sort out my life :). Creativity Always,
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