Yes, blowing my heart up would be tres easier than studying for these ridiculous regents that I have coming up. ARGH I hate tests and I just want it to be summer already!! Are you guys tired of anything? Are you ready for it to be SUMMER already? Hit me up in the comments section!
Fashionista in the suburbs.
No, it's not actually an oxymoron!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hi, so I kind of have been keeping something a secret. My name isn't really rachel dislea, I just liked that name for writing purposes. I still don't want to use my real name, becuase it's boring and bla, but Im going to be writing under the name Niko Zim from now on. It's closer to my actual name, aNd I love the liberties I get with being a writer, that I can change my pen name whenever I like. Okay, I promise to post tomorrow with a post chock full of stuff. I have also decided that since my website is still rdgossip, RD will now stand for ridiculous dominace :)
Until tomorrow
Until tomorrow
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Good news. No. GREAT NEWS!
Hello cyberspace! I have to admit that the title of this post is a little misleading. Good news #1, I went into the city today, and completely fell head over heels in love with the east village, again. I want to live there so badly. Ugh, look at me, I seem like another weepy teenager. Oh well, in othe news, I reallyreally want to go to FIT, I think ? I love the location of the school, but what will I go there for is the question? I like design, but I love to write, but I hear that the fashion journalism at FIT is nonexistent. :( oh peep sandwich. If any of you attend FIT or Aspire to go there, we should keep in touch. Oh! And my good news #2 is... My blog is going to have pictures! Mostly of my rendevous with life and such. Love you all ;)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
People suck sometimes.
Today's topic will be ( drumroll please!) people who act like your innocent best friend, and then (cue cliche) stab you in the back. I also depise when you really dislike somebody and know that they just radiate evil, and your friends hang all over them like they are the second coming of Jesus. Yes this is a recent experience for me. Let's call her "Satan" so, I have never liked Satan, and i think if she is so fake, her smile is bound to slide right off of her silicon plastic face of death. (warning: major hyperbole use!) so Satan had a boyfriend we will call lucifer, and he happens to be different religion than her. SHe changed her religion to match his. She actually got baptized into his religion. WELL GUESS WHAT?! They broke up. And now that bitch gets what she deserves. Oh! And I don't think I mentioned before that she joined this religion just to spend time with him. How rediculous! I'm not actually relgious at all, I just thought that the idea of her changing her belief system was a tad more than faintly rediculous. In other news, I went to a party today! It was alot of fun. I danced like nobody buisness! I would say that I love to dance, but it used to be that I was "that girl" who brought a book to a party to ignore social interaction. But no more! Kind of :)
I hope you are all having fantastic weekends!!
I hope you are all having fantastic weekends!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
That's so fit.
So, whilst I was watching my usual round of comical YouTube videos, I came across a Brit saying the terms "that's so fit" I immediately fell in love with the phrase and have been using it for days, just ask my laughably annoyed friends! Nothing is going on in the world of fashion for me, considering a.) I live in nowheresville and b.) I've slept so much this weekend like nobody business. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and have Lovely Monday morning :)
What did you draw today?!
What did you draw today?!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring break?
It's the time of year again where we get a week off from school to frolic in the sun. Not! This week is supposed to be cold and rainy. But cèst la vie, Im just going to be watching my brothers anyway. I need something fun to do. Oh well, I just bought vogue, so that should keep my occupied fr awhile. Talk to you lovelies later...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Alice in Wonderland&such
Hello there blogosphere people! I recently ventured outside of my den for a night out with my friends to see the Tim Burton film, Alice In Wonderland! I have to say, I was a little dissapointed. I thought it was going to be full on creepy becuase that's usually what you get with Tim Burton, but since this was a Disney related film, it was a minor debacle. In fashion news, I am totally in love with Doc Martens right now! Nobody gives you credit for how hard it is to dress fashionably in a small town, where the status quo is jeans and sneakers. Although it would be easier just to fit in and blend, that's one thing that I will not blend into is fashion, mediocre grades? Yes. Mediocre fashion? Please god no! School is more of a vent than a learning tool for most people. Well, I have to go! My fingers are très sore from writing on this small iPod keyboard!
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